Thursday, September 12, 2013

Mercy to the Poor by Rod Parsley

Mercy to the Poor He who despises his neighbor sins, but blessed is he who is kind to the needy. Proverbs 14:21 The woman lay on a dirty cot. The wall was bloodstained, mice ran across the floor, and the toilet in the corner was rusted. Anyone who saw her would have instinctively thought to take her to a hospital...but this was the hospital. Many went in with simple diseases that a few dollars worth of medicine would cure in America, and too many of them died because the facilities were filthy. I can't find the words to tell you how crude, how sad, and how scary it is to go into a hospital in Haiti. I saw poverty that is beyond what most Americans have ever dreamed could be possible. How can we not help this nation right on our doorstep when the Bible charges us "to do good, to be rich in good deeds and be generous and willing to share" (1 Timothy 6:18). Think of all we have in our prosperous nation, what we take for granted, and consider how little our Haitian neighbors have. The Lord commands us to give what we have to help those in need. You are incredibly rich and blessed, compared to the people in Haiti, Sudan and other desperate countries. Will you follow the Lord's command today and help those in need? Further Reading 1Timothy 6:17-19 Psalms 41:1-3 Ezekiel 34:15-16 God Bless,

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