Friday, November 8, 2013

Intercessory Prayer Lines

Below is a list of Intercessory Conference Prayer Lines. These lines are a venue for intercessors, those who have a passion to pray for others, to get together and pray in one accord to God. While they will be happy to pray for your personal prayer requests this is not the purpose of these lines. If you are looking for someone to pray for you, you can call one of the 24 hour prayer lines or post a prayer on our prayer wall where someone will be happy to pray for your need. If you are interested in signing up for your own Free Prayer Line, please click here. If you are an intercessor or would like to participate with an intercessory prayer group, the following groups are opened to you. We ask that you read carefully the focus of the group and respect the head intercessors direction. 1. World Gospel Prayer Lines – (712) 432 1600 code 1026383#. The head intercessor is Pastor Emmanuel Eliason and they pray weekday mornings 7:00AM EST/5:00AM MST. To contact Pastor Eliason visit 2. WOW (Words Of Wisdom)- (712) 432 1600 code 1026383#. The head intercessor is Pastor Dellice Eliason and they pray every Monday evening at 10:00PM EST/8:00PM MST, except for the third Monday of each month. This prayer group is for women only and they focus on women’s issues. To contact Pastor Dellice, please visit 3. Prayer For Jerusalem – This prayer line prays specifically for Israel. This is a messianic group and they pray every morning at 6:00AM EST/5:00AM CST. You can call (712) 432 0233 code 3775. This line is run by 4. St. James Ministries COGIC – (712) 451 6100 code 402039# The head intercessor is Elder James Williams and they pray every Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday at 7:00AM EST/6:00AM CST. To contact Elder Williams email 5. General Intercessory Prayer line – Monday through Friday 6:00AM EST/5:00AM CST. Conference Line Number: (616) 347-8000 code: 758071# 6. General Intercessory Prayer Line – Monday through Friday from 7:00AM EST/6:00AM CST. Telephone Conference Phone: (269) 320-8200 code: 637642# 7. Midnight Prayer Line every Monday through Friday. Intercessory Prayer Phone: (269) 320-8200 Code: 637642#. 1:00AM EST/12:00 Midnight CST 8. Watchmen of the Night every night at 10:00PM EST – 12 Midnight EST /9:00PM CST – 11:00PM CST, Praise, Repent & Yield, Intercessory Prayer Line # (712) 432-0232 Code: 955964# This prayer line is hosted by the National Prayer Committee. The head intercessor is Sarah Lowe. The Strategy for these calls is to PRAY the lid off the mess…. To prepare the way for those who pray all night long in the Night Watch. PRAISE - To give ourselves in total worship with a focus on raising up Praise to our Heavenly Father. REPENT – To humble ourselves under the Mighty Hand of God in confession of sins so that His Heart might be revealed in us. YIELD – to surrender ourselves as vessels that He can use for His Kingdom Sake; to be instruments of His Love 9. General Intercessory Prayer Line every day at 8:00AM EST/5:00AM PST. Conference Line Number (712) 432 1690 access code 399430#. Head intercessor is Pastor Wiley Drake. You may contact Pastor Drake at 10. Miracle Hour Prayer Line every Saturday & Sunday. 5:00AM EST / 6:00AM CST Telephone Conference Number: (785) 686-3456 access code: 1311#. Contact Brother Grant at 11. Healing Waters Prayer Ministry every Sunday at 6:00PM EST/7:00PM CST (712) 432-3900 access code 438725#. Contact Shirley Batiste at 12. Every Monday through Thursday from 8:00PM EST/7:00PM CST – 10:00PM EST/9:00PM CST, 1 (605) 715-4920 Access code is 511378#. Contact Pastor McGee at (678) 471-3888 13. EVIDENCE OF THE GOSPEL MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL – (712) 451 6100 access code 402039# The head intercessor is Pastor Yinka Osaghae and they pray every Wednesday night at 9:00PM EST/8:00PM CST. To contact Pastor Osaghae email 14. Deliverance and Breakthrough – (559) 726-1000 access code 696169#. The head intercessor is Brienna Johnson and they meet every Monday night 9:00pm- and 10:00 pm EST. The focus will be deliverance and breakthroughs in our lives, while learning how walk in the spirit, confessing our sins, binding and rebuking satan tactics, and speaking positive confessions over our lives daily. E-mail address for more information. If you would like to list your prayer line for others to join your group, please fill out the Become a Missionary Of Prayer Form and give the details of your prayer line in the comments section. God Bless You Intercessors. We pray that God will increase your ministry and continue to give you the zeal to pray without ceasing. 2 Corinthians 9:12 This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of God’s people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God. 13 Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, men will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else. 14 And in their prayers for you their hearts will go out to you, because of the surpassing grace God has given you. 15 Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!

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