Monday, February 25, 2013

Cycle of Evangelism by Emmanuel Institute of Evangelism

1.) Prepare the soil What is the soil of a person?Mark 4:14-15-the heart How are people prepared to receive the seed (God's Word)? Acts 10:38 What are the characteristics of someone who is prepared to receive God's Word?Matt 5:6 Mingle with others and show an interest in them F.O.R.T-Family, Occupation, Religion, Testimony S.H.I.R.T-Self, Hobbies, Interests, Religion, Testimony Types of soil-Matthew 13 Beaten path-indifferent to truth vs 19 Stony Ground-open to message but not life changing results vs 21 Thorny Ground-Allow habits and practices of "old life" and cares of this world to "choke" the power of the Word in their lives vs 22 Good ground-desire to know the Truth so that it may transform their lives-vs 23 By Pastor Shane of Hattiesburg Seventh Day Adventist Church behind Home Depot Also the Pastor in the Laurel church and Columbia church 2.)Seed Sowing What is the seed? Luke 8:11-The word Why is it essential to sow seed? Mark 4:8, Romans 10:14-15 3.) Cultivation Water-Prayer for the Holy Spirit to reach the heart Fertilizer-Regular Bible study, help in applying the word to practical areas of life, church fellowship and activities, seminars, etc. Weeding-Changes in lifestyle habits and beliefs Protection from Elements-False Doctrines, overexposure to too much truth too fast, extremes, well-meaning people and materials, etc What important decision will lead your interest from cultivation to harvest? Acts 2:37-38 Cultivation is the longest of any of the stages in the cycle of personal evangelism 4.)Reaping Baptism is the outward symbol of an inward commitment to follow Christ and the teachings of His Word. How can we know when an interest is genuinely ready for the harvest of baptism? Mark 4:20, Matthew 3:8, Luke 15:6-7, Romans 6:1-6 The Heart-Is there a genuine interest in Jesus and His Word? The Mind-Is there an accurate understanding of the fundamental teachings of the Bible? The Life-Is the practical life in harmony with the teachings of God's Word? 5.)Preservation and Reproduction When Jesus gave the Great Commission to go and make disciples, who was He speaking to? Who is the "them" in Matthew 28:18? If the twelve disciples were already baptized by John (Luke 7:29-30), why did Jesus call them to follow him? Luke 6:40, Luke 19:10, 1 John 2:6 Acts 1:8 A true disciple: 1) crucifies self-selfish ease, habits and ambitions in order to live a life of service to God Luke 9:23-25, 57-62, 14:25-33 2.) Devotes to being with Jesus and becoming like Him-filling the life with those things that will promote spiritual growth and fulfill spiritual rather than earthly goals Luke 6:40, John 8:31-32, 13:13-15, 35 3.)Studies, practices, and works to become effective in winning souls to Christ as the central purpose in life-just it was for Jesus Mark 1:17, Luke 9:60, Matthew 28: 18-20, Luke 6:40 submit to reddit Delicious Save this on Delicious Trying to be an ambassador of Christ. Nurturing people through my life.

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