So our pastor told everybody that there was not a scripture where they worship on the first day of the week. The only scripture they gave on the first day of the week was when they collected the offering (1 Corinthians 16:1). He claimed that he was going to give someone a thousand dollars if they could prove him wrong. I gave him the scripture Acts 20:7. Both him and an elder claimed that when they broke bread it was them having supper instead of the Lord's supper. Also, that they never worship even though Paul was preaching. Update-I also gave him Isaiah 66:23 which states that they worship on the New Moon. He claims that the New Moon was also the Sabbath even though it stated in that same verse Sabbath separated from the New Moon. I don't know why people especially pastors won't admit when they are wrong. This is not the first pastor that I confronted that wanted to argue around the facts instead of acknowledging them and they wonder why there is chaos in the world.
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